Mission Statement
The Deschutes County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Unit is part of the Oregon Emergency Services System. It consists of volunteer FCC-licensed Radio Amateurs trained in the National Incident Command System (ICS) as Auxiliary Radio Operators. The Unit is under the direction of the Deschutes County Sheriff Emergency Manager and functions within the National Incident Management System. (NIMS)
Our purpose is to provide Emergency Communication and support within Central Oregon to our Served Agencies and between the County and the Oregon State Agencies, and as Directed by the Governing Authorities.
Oregon Deschutes County ARES exists to provide a viable first response to local or regional communications systems outages or overloads.
The following situations are activities that DC-ARES supports:
- Provide emergency communications support for Deschutes County Emergency Management, as directed.
- Assist in configuration, testing, deployment and maintenance of local emergency radio equipment.
- Support Search and Rescue events in neighboring counties that require communication networking across different communication systems.
- Provide regional digital communications capability for local medical facilities and governmental units in the event of an outage.
- Participation in Oregon State ARES preparedness exercises structured and reviewed at the State level.
- Provide field communications for various races and outdoor events in our area.
- Location of disruptive radio signals or interference causing poor radio communication for public agencies on government frequencies.